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Reduze 2: Distributed Feynman Integral Reduction

Reduze is a computer program for reducing Feynman integrals to master integrals employing a variant of Laporta's reduction algorithm.

This web page presents version 2 of the program. New features include the distributed reduction of single topologies on multiple processor cores. The parallel reduction of different topologies is supported via a modular, load balancing job system. Fast graph and matroid based algorithms allow for the identification of equivalent topologies and integrals. Reduze uses GiNaC or, optionally, Fermat to perform manipulations of algebraic expressions.

Version 2.6: support new Qgraf output, fix sync issues on distributed file systems. Thanks to Arnd Behring and Marco Bonetti.

Version 2.5: support MPI3, fix some issues, improve shift finding with bilinear propogators.

Version 2.4: fix bug in Symanzik polynomial based integral identification. Thanks to Stephen Jones.

Version 2.3: support scan for super-convergent integrals, fix some issues.

Version 2.2: support GiNaC 1.7, export to Loopedia, add example for finite integrals.

Version 2.1: change to basis of finite integrals, cut propagators, linear propagators and much more. We also fixed many bugs.


Andreas von Manteuffel
Cedric Studerus


The general concepts and new algorithms implemented in Reduze 2 are described in our paper.


Reduze 2.6 (includes tutorial), ChangeLog, old versions


For bug reports, feature requests and other questions, please write us an email.


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Reduze 1